Black & White

Secret wishes and hypnotic depths
Lonely wind and a storm on way
Flowing water and crashing wave
Mysterious eyes and fire and flame

A radiant sunshine and a cloud grey
A nightmare and a sweet dream play
A lively soul and a dreadful decay
Its all extreme and nothing halfway

Beautiful promise and a ugly fray
A silent prayer and a sword to slay
Visious war and a dance of ballet
Scorpion sting and a heart of clay

Be cautious of what you convey
She is not as easy as a child’s play
Carrying the emotions of all array
She can be a fairy and your doomsday.

68 thoughts on “Black & White

  1. This is amazing, my dear friend! I absolutely love it, such beautiful writing!!! I especially love the third stanza…the dreamy flow is impeccable 👌🏻. Well done 🤗🖤

    Liked by 4 people

  2. Yeshu, Gorgeous poem! It reminds me of a saying of the feminist movement that was popular when I was young, “Never underestimate the power of a woman!”

    What do men see when they look at a woman? Thankfully, most men know we are human beings with an intellectual and an emotional capacity similar to their own. A few out there may still see a stereotype who is there only to please them. Your poem is a fair warning to men who would take women for granted. 🙂

    Have a great weekend!

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Thanks Cheryl for such a wonderful comment. You are right its wrong to stereotype any gender. Every person is different and especially in the case of women they are so unpredictable specially when someone cross them in a wrong way.
      Glad you find this post relevant. You too have an awesome weekend ahead ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh my God, did I just read Yeshu describing her own self, sting of Scorpio but heart of clay.
    All those paradoxical references about this woman makes the poem such a beautiful read!

    Enjoyed each and every bit of it Yeshu. Absolutely beautiful ❤️

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Hahaha. I knew you will get this. I had full faith in you and here you are.❤️❤️. I am so happy you get the reference. As far as I know you, this post and that line describes you too in some way.
      Its always so good to hear from you. Thank you so much Rashmiii 🤗


    1. Hey.. thanks Deepak. Glad you noticed that. Honestly I wrote that first para way back.. yesterday I just continued the same and somehow unknowingly the rest three para ended up with ‘y’. I was thinking to edit and write the first stanza again but I was too tired. So I posted it 😂🙈

      Liked by 2 people

  4. I came across your blog just a few hours back and all I gotta say is.. you are a talented writer! Your words tell an absolutely interesting tale. I loved this one as well!
    Love your blog!! Keep writing such beautiful content!

    _Read. Love. Live.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Your poetry actually reminds me of Robert Frost. I love how nature and human nature are often themes in your writing and your rhyme, rhythym, and structure are always King 👑 Your writing is unique and you are clearly extremely talented. Never stop pouring your soul out through words.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Beautiful writing… The rhythm and everything is so smooth which makes it a beautiful read… The below extract is a good reminder for many…

    “Be cautious of what you convey”

    Very well penned… Liked it… 🙂


  7. Hey there!!! I’m just checking in to let you know I nominated you for The Aesthete Blogger Award. You absolutely deserve it! No worries if your site is award free, just wanted to share your beautiful work and how much I appreciate you!!!! Much love, my friend 🖤🤗 -Ace


  8. Such a wonderful poem😃
    The two sides of the world
    Two sides of women
    As they say in China, yin, and yang. The contrast and opposing forces are complementary, interconnected, and interdependent in the natural world
    And both sides are necessary to keep the world alive


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